Know what you stand for

I stopped posting about politics years ago.  But after the events of this past week I feel compelled to says something.  I, like most Americans I think, watched in amazed dispair as the election certification protest turned violent and demonstrators invaded the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.  I hope honest and good people give this a serious read.

First, some food for thought given the crazy last few days:

Donald Trump, an elected leader, is banned by social media but...

... The Ayatollah Khomeini is not, who regularly calls for the extermination of Jews
... The Chinese Communist US embassy is not, who extols the virtues of exterminating Uyghurs
... Antifa who use these platforms to organize their own riots are not

We are reminded that Twitter and Facebook are private companies who can ban whom they please, but...

... They have legal protection so they cannot be sued under the dubious claim they aren't exercising editorial control of content on their platform

We are disturbed and upset about the insurrection at the capitol but...

... A federal courthouse in Oregon was assaulted for months over last summer
... Left wing protesters literally set up an "Autonomous Zone" in Seattle where protesters SHOT and killed a black teenager
... Cities, including D.C., were subjected to rioting for 6 months and we were told it was 'mostly peaceful'

We are told that the Capitol rioters were treated with kid gloves because they were white but...

... BLM rioters in Minnesota invaded a police precinct and BURNED IT TO THE GROUND because the police retreated
... Over the summer hundreds of riots took place and as far as I know only 1 protester was killed by police. It took one day to match that at the Capitol
... An unarmed woman was shot to death by a capitol police officer in the Capitol riot, and instead of outrage at the police for unreasonable use of force we are told she is a terrorist.

We are told that Donald Trump is a bigot because he called white supremacists and nazis "very fine people" after the events at Charlottesville but...

...I implore anybody remaining of goodwill to watch the attached video and ask themselves if they feel the media was honest about that?  Was Joe Biden honest about that?
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And now we are supposed to cheer the silencing of speech?  When did that become an American value?

My position is, and always has been, we are equal in the eyes of God and therefore we must be treated equally in the eyes of the Law. Rioters from over the summer and rioters at the Capitol need to be arrested and charged.  But the narrative being spun right now does not come from an honest place.

The Left is patting themselves on the back because they think they stopped a Nazi coup, but a single stupid riot is not how the Nazis rose to power.  It was a long and calculated takeover of the institutions of society.

As a friendly reminder, after the Reichstag fire the Nazi party used it as an excuse to gain more sweeping domestic powers and to usher in a police state.  I can't think of a single elected Republican who has praised the riot or suggested rioters shouldn't be prosecuted.  But the party, the ideology, cheering on more restrictions is the party of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.  It is the party of Twitter and Facebook.  It is the Democrat Party.  It is the Left.

So who are the bad guys here?